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Theme Map создатель Mind Map: Theme Map

1. in the world

1.1. This statement reminds us that the culture children learn as they grow up is, in fact, "'ways of taking" meaning from the environment around them. The means of making sense from books and relating their contents to knowledge about the real world is but one "'way of taking" that is often interpreted as "natural" rather than learned. The quote also reminds us that teachers (and researchers alike) have not recognized that ways of taking from books are as much a part of learned behavior as are ways of eating, sitting, playing games, and building houses. Heath p 59

1.2. culture provides the tools to pursue the search for meaning and to convey our understanding to others. Consequently communication cannot exist without culture, culture cannot be known without communication, and teaching and learning cannot occur without communication or culture. gay 77

1.3. Be ashamed to die until you have won some victory for humanity -horace mann

2. connecting the class and the world

2.1. Literacy is not an ability you have or don't have it is everywhere

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2.2. Schooling today would seem to be paying to much attention to what we study and not enough to what we become. -lemke p 35

2.3. we hold that education should be connect to student's lives and the details of pedagogy should be linked to local histories and communities. -Gonzales and moll p 623

2.4. Incorporating oral traditions into the classroom -gee

2.5. how the person functions in a debate and the role that plays on the discourse, gay 100-101

2.6. Building bridges between home and school, gay 86

3. in the classroom

3.1. teaching for social justice-bomer and bomer pg 18

3.2. Metalinguistic awareness -Nieto ch 3

3.3. Teaching is not scripted, curriculum can't be stagnant. -Lewison, leland, harste

3.3.1. One observation, one question, one surprise

3.4. Teachers often view this writing as error filled, believing that the child does not know how to show plurality....teachers will respond, "that's not how you do it!" This approach seeks to eradicate the child's home language. Wheeler Sword 473

4. Jones

4.1. Teacher as a teacher versus teacher as a person

4.2. How does your body feel in different places?

4.3. What should teacher training courses seek to do?

4.3.1. Should the goal of teacher education be strategy implementation?

4.3.2. How can you add practical experience to a course?

4.3.3. How do you make educators aware of the prejudices and beliefs they bring to a classroom

4.4. How do our perceptions of our bodies shape our world views?

4.4.1. Media created image

4.4.2. Discussion with peers

4.4.3. Being skinny is the body normal skinny over healthy Lack of discussion around different body types how children absorb adult's notions of the body