Ivy Creek Educational Information Remodel

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Ivy Creek Educational Information Remodel создатель Mind Map: Ivy Creek Educational  Information Remodel

1. Principles and rules

1.1. The happier the visitors are with their experience at Ivy Creek the more likely they will be to return and/or donate.

1.2. Increasing hands on, interactive, and interesting displays at Ivy Creek will increase visitor interest.

2. Procedures

2.1. Step 1. Needs Assessment

2.1.1. a. Collect data Informal Interviews with visitors in which they will be asked what they would like to see at Ivy Creek Time visitor interaction with current information presentation.

2.1.2. b. Analyza Data What have the visitors said they are interested in seeing? How long does the average visitor interact with the dense information presented? Can we create a new way of presenting the data that can be consumed in that amount of time?

2.2. Step 2. Goal Analysis

2.2.1. Is the goal of adding more technology to Ivy Creek still the same after the Needs Assessment? Has it changed? Work with the Educational Director and Ivy Creek Foundation on what goals work for them.

2.3. Step 3. Propose Changes to Ivy Creek Foundation

2.3.1. a. Bring findings to Educational Director

2.3.2. b. Work with Educational Director and Ivy Creek Foundation to enact changes they see are fit. What kind of limitations are we working with within the budget and motivation/capability for change?

3. Interpersonal skills

3.1. Barn docents must be willing and able to use the new technology to interact with visitors.

3.2. Barn docents must be friendly and willing to explain educational information to visitors.

4. Facts

4.1. The Educational Director at Ivy creek is not happy with how educational information is being presented.

4.2. Visitors to Ivy Creek are not spending the time to read all of the dense informational material provided to them.

5. Concepts

5.1. The Natural Barn and Ivy Creek can be brought into the 21st century.

5.1.1. Historical Information about Ivy Creek and the Barn is fun and vital to the community. New posters for information with less writing on them. Digital display of historical map of Ivy creek Digital rendering of working Barn during its "Heyday" App would include historical landmarks on Ivy Creek Land as well.

5.1.2. Ecological information about Ivy Creek and native Virginian plants and animals is useful and interesting. App with map of Ivy Creek land with information about plants and animals one might see People are always coming in and asking about animals or plants they see on the trail. The app could have pictures and descriptions of the most frequently spotted flora and fauna for people to access.

6. Attitudes

6.1. Changes in presenting information has been desired so there would be a positive attitude towards some change.

6.2. Attitudes toward technological advances inside the historical barn and on the Ivy Creek land by older members of the Ivy Creek Foundation may be negative.