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US History II Lessons Learned создатель Mind Map: US History II Lessons Learned

1. ***Economics:*** How has economics impacted America & Americans?

1.1. Prohibition

1.1.1. The Prohibition caused the government to lose billions of dollars in tax revenue and it took millions of dollars to reenforce the law.

1.2. 1920's Working Class Situation

1.2.1. Women began working in industrialization and jobs began to become more popular due to migration.

1.2.2. When wages go up and working hours goes down, people have more time and money to do more fun things.

1.3. Credit 1920's

1.3.1. When there is too much debt in a society, and no one has savings, there is nothing to fall back on, if we need money.

1.4. Causes of Great Depression

1.4.1. Too many people investing in the stock market, which lead to the stock market crash

1.5. WW2

1.5.1. People on the home front were more than willing to help with war by conserving, producing, and investing

1.5.2. Supporting other countries will lead to support us and economic gain

1.5.3. do not keep buying stock when in debt. when applying for loans make sure they can be paid back.

2. ***Migration*** What causes migration and how has it impacted America?

2.1. "Great Migration"

2.1.1. African Americans were moving to the North for better lifestyles due to the KKK

2.2. WW2

2.2.1. Many Jewish people attempted to leave the country and fled to other countries so they wouldn't be killed or go through Hitler's cruel treatment and other countries didn't step in early, which could have prevented this from happening

2.3. Vietnam War

2.3.1. After the Vietnam war, millions of people fled from Vietnam. Most people went to the U.S., but others also fled to other countries nearby.

3. ***Leaders & Presidents*** What makes an effective or ineffective leader?

3.1. President Harding

3.1.1. He was a very likable man and tried to please everyone, but when he died halfway through his presidency, they found that he had many affairs, which is wrong.

3.2. MAIN

3.2.1. When leaders focus too much on MAIN, it destabilizes world peace. (Militarism, Allies, Imperialism, Nationalism)

3.3. FDR vs. Hoover

3.3.1. FDR wants to put people to work, while Hoover thinks that the government should do a lot and help the people.

3.4. WW2

3.4.1. Radical leaders are more likely to be discovered and supported due to the problems and precautions that are being taken to protect their country.

3.4.2. Militarism and Alliances- when more powerful leaders work together, it causes them to have a greater chance of winning which forces other countries to join the war. Militarism caused mass destruction for everyone.

3.5. Vietnam War

3.5.1. President Nixon made many mistakes during the Vietnam war. This was Americas first loss in war and it was because of the directions that Nixon gave the U.S. army. He was not honest with his policies and handled situations in an overall bad way. Nixon's overall plan of Vietnamization was a fail. Nixon's bad decisions caused America to lose this war.

4. ***Government:*** What is the role and responsibility of the American government?

4.1. Prohibition

4.1.1. The government lost control on the amount of alcoholic beverages being sold and consumed, so they tried to ban it, but failed

4.2. FDR's New Deal

4.2.1. Put in place for hope for relief, reform, and recovery from the Great Depression. Helped but also hurt people.

4.3. WW2

4.3.1. Many people thought the U.S. would be the best place to go, but America was very hesitant to allow everything that was occurring in other countries, so the Jews were stuck.

4.4. Vietnam War

4.4.1. After the Vietnam war, many Americans lost all trust in the government. This is the overall long-term effect of the Vietnam war. After the government started lying to the citizens of the U.S., most Americans lost their trust in their government and began to feel that it was not trustworthy, which is a very bad thing for a country.

5. ***Foreign Relations*** How have foreign entanglements influence America?

5.1. World War I

5.1.1. When the U.S. is involved in world affairs to a large extent, it is hard to be neutral if a major conflict breaks out.

5.1.2. Forming allies can draw the country into a border conflict

5.1.3. when the US is involved in world affairs, they get involved in conflicts

5.2. World War 2

5.2.1. Due to the Great Depression, America's relationships with other countries was failing because they were protecting themselves(foreign policy).-cause of war

5.2.2. Causes- MAGNETT (Militarism, Alliances, Great Depression, Nationalism, Expansion, Treaty of Versailles, Totalitarianism)

5.2.3. Expansion: when too many countries want World domination, it creates conflict

5.2.4. early cold war alliances- conflict was created due to positive relation skips with capitalist countries and negative relationships with communist countries.

5.3. Cold War

5.3.1. U.S. created Policy of Containment to keep countries from going communist. Policy stated that the U.S. would do anything needed to keep other countries from turning to communism.

5.3.2. Spread of Communism- U.S trying to stop the spread of communism and Soviets trying to spread communism

5.4. Vietnam War

5.4.1. Due to the U.S. being allied with the South Vietnamese, Nixon was able to use this as an excuse for the Invasion of Cambodia. Nixon's loophole was that he was trying to help the South Vietnamese, so he was not going against his word, but this backfired by increasing the war. This was a complete fail.

6. ***Civil Rights:*** To what extent have the oppressed in America been able to attain an equality of life?

6.1. WW2

6.1.1. Holocaust

6.2. Harlem Renaissance

6.3. Vietnam War

6.3.1. The soldiers that were fighting in the Vietnam war did not want to be fighting. They were drafted to go to war and they could not get out of it once drafted. They protested going to war because they felt that it was unfair that they were drafted to fight without any input. Having an army of soldiers that do not want to fight is a fail in itself.

7. ***Technology*** How does technology impact society?

7.1. Post war technologies

7.1.1. Gained many technologies from war

7.2. WWI Warfare

7.2.1. When there's a lot of new technology in a society, we will be unprepared for war.

7.3. WW2

7.3.1. Sputnik- started the race to space and made the Soviet Union and the US be in competition with each other. the lesson learned is that you don't need to rush it to be better than the other country because it is risky

7.4. Vietnam War

7.4.1. The use of Napalm Gas was a big downfall of the Vietnam war. Napalm was gas that burned everything it touched and ruined everything. America tried to remove the enemy by using Napalm. Napalm was fighting the unseen army.

8. ***Media*** To what extent does the media influence people? To what extent does the media mirror or reflect society?

8.1. Radios were created

8.1.1. Brought Americans together under one source

8.2. World War I

8.2.1. Newspaper articles caused people to start hating the war and made people become bias towards a certain side of the war.

8.3. WW2

8.3.1. we learned that creating persuasive posters that showed bad things can be fixed by better ones ("i gave a man, give a war bond"

8.3.2. The American media before the war did not glorify the killing and persecution of Jews in Europe until they got involved with the war. we learned that the media can change through the war and other drastic events.

8.4. Red Scare

8.4.1. Arrested people due to TV. Everyone watched TV since it was newer technology and can help gain popularity and win elections