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US History II Lessons Learned создатель Mind Map: US History II Lessons Learned

1. *Government - What is the role and responsibility of the American government?

1.1. The Prohibition

1.1.1. The government spent so much money trying to enforce the law, and it didn't work. We learned that we need more of a plan when it comes to outlawing popular items.

1.2. Japanese Intermintent Camps

1.2.1. The Japanese were sent into camps. This violated our constitution and the amendments. This was unconstitutional, so we learned that it isn't right to take people's rights away based on ethnicity/heritage.

1.3. Woman

1.3.1. Woman joined the workforce when men went to war. They fought for their rights and gained those rights. They proved that they could do a man's job. We learned that when more people filed into the workforce, the economy was helped.

1.4. WW2

1.4.1. Germany had many restrictions to be able to leave the country and went through many background checks and documents of the people trying to exit. Many people thought the US would be the best place to go,but America was very hesitant to allow them to come into their country, so Jewish people were stuck.

1.5. Great Society

1.5.1. When the government decreases taxes and creates large social programs, government debt will increases

2. ***Civil Rights:*** To what extent have the oppressed in America been able to attain an equality of life?

2.1. Harlem Renasiance

2.1.1. As a culture integrates into a new society, they fight for there rights and they effected it differently

2.2. Civil Rights Movement

2.2.1. wanted to be able to vote and have certain rights.

2.3. Vietnam War

2.3.1. Many American people disapproved of joining the war in Vietnam, so when the Vietnam soldiers arrived back home after the war, they were treated very poorly with a negative welcome home. It got to the point were even the soldiers weren't even proud of their accomplishments. Many couldn't find jobs and they became homeless, alcoholics or drug addicts. From this we can learn the importance of treating out soldiers with great respect, because they are humans too. We can also learn the importance of equal and fair treatment.

3. *Media - To what extent does the media influence people? To what extent does the media mirror or reflect society?

3.1. The 1920's Radio

3.1.1. The radio connected people from all over the country. People now could learn more about what was going on the country quicker.

3.2. WWI

3.2.1. Articles in the news papers caused people stand points/beliefs to change in support of the war. We learned that we cannot allow the media to control our beliefs so we don't make bias decisons

3.2.2. We learned that creating persuading posters that showed bad things that can be fixed (persuasive propaganda)

3.2.3. The american media before the war did not glorify killing and persecution oof Jews in Europe until they got involved in the war. We learned that the media can change through war and other drastic events

3.3. McCarthyism and the Red Scare

3.3.1. The fear spread so rapidly because of the technology. Joseph McCarthy used fear to gain popularity by going on TV and talking about communism.

3.4. Emmett Till

3.4.1. His open casket was all over the news and brought attention the treatment of the African American population. Started the Civil Rights Movement

3.5. Vietnam War

3.5.1. Many American people didn't want to get involved in the Vietnam War. This resulted in the rise of anti-war movements and hippies. The media was a huge part of this. They were many protests about the war that got a lot of national attention, spreading the movement even further. This made many Americans angry with the government and after the war many Americans felt that they couldn't trust the government anymore. From this we can learn the importance of media attention and how it can spread a movement nation wide very quickly.

4. *Foreign Relations - How have foreign entanglements influence America?

4.1. World War I

4.1.1. Forming Allies can draw the country into a border conflict

4.1.2. When the U.S. is involved in world affairs to a large extent, it is hard to be neutral if a major conflict breaks out

4.1.3. When too many countries attempt world domination it creates mass conflict

4.2. WW2

4.2.1. Due to the Great Depression, Americas Relationships with other countries were failing because they were protecting themselves

4.3. Early Cold War Alliances

4.3.1. Conflict was created due to positive relationships with capitalist countries and negative relationships with communist countries

4.4. Containment

4.4.1. We learned that when we try to interfere with other countries and if we fear a common threat too hard, the fear only grows to the point were people loose control.

4.5. Vietnam War

4.5.1. The Vietnam war ended with the Paris Peace Accords. Shortly after this treaty was signed, North Vietnam went back into South Vietnam and took it over, making it communism again. This was a major downfall and viewed as a huge lose for America because our foreign policy was containment, and we did the exact opposite. From this we can learn that we should get involved in war that don't have anything to do with us. If the American government wasn't so focused on containing communism, none of this would've ever happened, because we wouldn't have gotten ourselves involved.

5. *Economics - How has economics impacted America & Americans?

5.1. 1920's Working Class Situation

5.1.1. We learned that wages increased and hours decreased. The lesson learned that people we now able to enjoy life more because they had more time and more money.

5.2. Credit 1920's

5.2.1. When society becomes too much in dept, they are in big trouble when the economy fails.

5.3. Great Depression

5.3.1. When the New Deal was created to fix the ecomonic problems, it cost a lot of money and government debit increased

5.3.2. Do not keep buying stock when in debt. When applying for loans make sure they can be paid

5.4. Causes of the Great Depression

5.4.1. banks failed, inflated prices, dust bowl, farmers are struggling the sell crops, stock market failure, overproduction/undercomsumption, bubble form on the stockmarkets

5.5. Prodiction, conservation, and investment

5.5.1. People were willing to help their country, even if they weren't necessarily on the war front. They helped conserve and produce items for the soldiers and help with the economy.

5.6. WW2

5.6.1. Do not allow countries to take advantage of low points in the ecomony

5.7. Mass Production 1920's

5.7.1. As goods become mass produced it makes the product cheaper and more affordable. You have people spending more money than they have with will lead to debt and the Great Depression

5.8. The Prohibition

5.8.1. The prohibition caused the government to lose billions of dollars in tax revenue and it took millions of dollars to enforce the law. We learned that when the government tried to outlaw a popular item, it had more negative effects than positive effects.

5.9. WWI

5.9.1. supporting other countries will lead them to support us and economic gain nato- military alliance formed in 1849 by 10 western european countires, the us, and canda (north atlantc treaty orgainization)

5.10. Civil Rights

5.10.1. Boycotts made the American society realize how important Africa Americans were the society. Economically forms of portests work extremely well and are very common.

6. *Migration - What causes migration and how has it impacted America?

6.1. The Great Migration

6.1.1. African Americans were moving North of a better lifestyle because of the KKK. We learned that now African Americans were gaining confidence and wanted more freedom.

6.2. WW2

6.2.1. Many Jewish people attempted to leave the country and flee to other countries so that they wouldn't be killed or go through Hitler's cruel treatment and other countries did not step in early which many could have prevented this

6.3. The Great Migration

6.3.1. An option if your situation is horrible is to get out and go somewhere else. Young people are typically the ones to take action for a change

7. *Leaders & Presidents - What makes an effective or ineffective leader?

7.1. President Harding

7.1.1. He was a very likable man and tried his best to please everyone, but when he died half way through his presidency, they found that he had many affairs, which is wrong. We learned that effective leaders try to appease everyone and ineffective leaders are liers.

7.2. WWI - M.A.I.N.

7.2.1. When world leaders focus too much on M.A.I.N., the peace in the world destabilizes. Militarism, Alliances, Imperialism, Nationalism.

7.3. FDR v. Hoover

7.3.1. Hoover felt that the government shouldn't interfere with the people even during the Great Depression. He thought that people could get themselves out of the Great Depression and didn't help the people. FDR came in and changed everything. He came up with the New Deal which helped many people and eventually get the US out of the Great Depression. He did everything he could for the people

7.4. WW2

7.4.1. Radical leaders are more likely to be discovered and supported due to the problems and precautions that are being taken to protect their countries

7.4.2. When more powerful leaders work together it causes them to have a greater chance of winning which forces other nations to join the war. In addition, militarism caused mass destruction for everyone.

7.4.3. Hitler realizes he's done and surrenders and kills himself. He was willing to fight to the end.

7.5. Vietnam War

7.5.1. Nixon realized he needed to get American out of Vietnam and out of the war, so he came up with a plan called Vietnamization. This was the process of replacing American troops with South Vietnamese Troops. One way he did this was by attacking communist bases in Cambodia because he thought it would help South Vietnam. This tactic failed miserably because many American saw this as him trying to expand the war. He was also very secretive with the American people. From this we learned that presidents shouldn't promise the people things that they cannot. We also learned that being secretive isn't the best option.

8. *Technology - How does technology impact society?

8.1. The 1920's Radio

8.1.1. The radio allowed people all of America to receive the same news and it lead to a more connected America.

8.2. WWI Warfare

8.2.1. When there is a lot of new technology, we will not be ready when it comes to warfare.

8.3. WW2 - Atomic bombs

8.3.1. The reason Japan surrenders and stops fighting because they realize how strong it was and that it would kill many people. Also, the effect would be a shock in foreign relations.

8.4. Spuntik

8.4.1. started the race to space and made the Soviet Union and the US be in a competition with each other. The lesson learned is that you can't rush to be better then another countries because its risky

8.5. Vietnam War

8.5.1. In the Vietnam War, American troops developed Napalm and Agent orange in order to remove some of the enemy. Napalm was a gasoline based bomb to burn down the jungle and agent orange was a leaf killing toxic chemical. Both of these weapons burned skin and they didn't discriminate. That means that not only was the enemy dying, so was many American soldiers. Many American people disapproved of this tactic because of the amount of deaths it caused. From this we can learn to be smarter with using dangerous weapons and chemicals because it unnecessarily killed many lives, even the lives of our own troops. Not only that, but it killed a lot of beautiful land and harmed the environment.