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mechanical paddle boat создатель Mind Map: mechanical paddle boat

1. mechanisms

1.1. rack and pinion

1.2. worm and worm wheel

1.3. pulley system

1.4. compound gears

2. electronics

2.1. circuit board

2.2. SPST switch

2.3. transistor

2.4. battery pack

2.5. DPDT switch

2.6. resistor

2.7. LDR

3. materials

3.1. plastic

3.1.1. white

3.1.2. turqouise

3.1.3. black

3.2. cardboard

4. equipment

4.1. files

4.1.1. smooth

4.1.2. rough

4.1.3. needle

4.2. saws

4.2.1. copingsaw

4.2.2. hacksaw

4.3. glue

4.4. cellotape

4.5. batteries

4.6. soldering iron