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IM Mind Map создатель Mind Map: IM Mind Map

1. Introducing the Topic

1.1. YouTube video for quick introduction: Religions of the World - Judaism

1.2. Quick-write on what they know about Judaism

2. Assesment

2.1. Create a quiz through google to have them take at the end that tests their knowledge

3. Comparing Christianity and Judaism

3.1. Have them make a venn diagram of what they think the differences/similarities between Judaism and Christianity are

3.2. Add a screencasted powerpoint describing some of the major similarities and differences with embedded quizlet/edpuzzle/something like that to test their knowledge

4. Major Holidays

4.1. Passover

4.2. Rosh Hashanah

4.3. Yom Kippur

4.4. Hanukkah How to Light the Hanukkah Candles