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MODAL VERBS. создатель Mind Map: MODAL VERBS.

1. Auxiliar Verbs

1.1. They do not accept conjugation

1.2. Example.

1.3. could you pass my notebook

2. There is no “s” in singular There is no “do / does” in the question There is no “don’t / doesn’t” in the

2.1. Modal verbs are followed by an infinitive without

2.2. Example.

2.2.1. we should take the next road

3. Modal verbs use other verbs to complete the tenses

3.1. Example

3.2. they can play basketball

3.3. You had to come to the party


4.1. Single Concept Modal

4.1.1. Example Maritza travels to Italina next year You should conquer your girlfriend

4.2. Double Concept Modal

4.2.1. Example We may visit grandma on the weekend

4.3. Modals in past

4.3.1. Example you could have cooked better you should have told me before