Ch-Uber By: Scarlett Jekic and Madison Chen

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Ch-Uber By: Scarlett Jekic and Madison Chen создатель Mind Map: Ch-Uber By: Scarlett Jekic and Madison Chen

1. Goals:

1.1. Steps to Accomplish This Goal:

1.1.1. 1. Establish connected locations throughout Guizhou that ensures that people from any part of the province has access to our organization.

1.1.2. 2. Advertise through the paper and collaborate with companies to give the people living in rural and poor areas more opportunities to diversify their working locations.

1.1.3. 3. After a few months after Ch-Uber has started, we plan on conducting a survey to see where exactly the organization could improve upon and focus on fixing the aspects that are lacking.

1.2. The main goal of Ch-Uber is to provide adequate and efficient transportation methods for people living in poverty and rural areas that are greatly separated from more modern areas due to the geography.

1.3. We believe that by improving transportation of all goods as well as people, the province will see a dramatic improvement in the other main issues that rural areas have such as education, health, and income.

2. How to Deal with Local and State Authorities

2.1. Local and state authorities in Guizhou would not be a large issue confronting out organization since the locations would only be set up throughout Guizhou itself. Organizers of state-sponsored project are expected to attract more investment and cooperation from the central government in order to improve the economic and industrial development of Guizhou, so giving Guizhou's citizens the opportunity to improve their economic circumstances by having access to the developed regions of China will certainly line up with the plans of the future for Guizhou's government.

2.2. If we were to expand out organization out of Guizhou into other provinces than we could face potential difficulties with the authorities of neighboring provinces if they are against having these transportation stations; however, our organization could potentially improve the lives of those impoverished nations, so if our survey proves this theory, than these provinces may be more inclined implement these stations as well.

3. Target Group:

3.1. Guizhou

3.1.1. This province in China is considered "poverty stricken"since 26,100 people live below the poverty line of 445 US dollars (2,952 yuan) The area is usually regarded as a remote and underdeveloped country

3.1.2. Despite the mountainous terrain that makes up Guizhou, the province contained around 5,000 km of highway in 2015 that roughly connect every county in the area. The government plans regarding transportation infrastructure construction include adding an additional 4,000 km of high-speed railroads, resulting in more than 200,000 km of various roads that connects each village and township in Guizhou by 2020.

3.2. People:

3.2.1. The people we want to target can be people from all ages, genders, and educational levels. One of the main goals of Ch-uber is to provide people with the opportunities and access to proper educational institutions that provide than with an adequate background on language, computers, music, literacy, and sports, which would not be available without this source of transportation to the more urban, developed areas of China.

3.2.2. We do predict that our organization will appeal more to younger adults who are looking to expand upon their education in more advanced areas or to find better jobs.

4. Resources Needed:

4.1. 4 wheel drive vehicles: mainly trucks or vans which can transport large numbers of people or goods to and fro.

4.2. Licensed and credible drivers (could be from the province since it is also a source of income for some people).

4.3. Land in the province to establish the locations for Ch-Uber

5. Environmental Issues

5.1. Our biggest obstacle with Ch-Uber would certainly be air pollution, greenhouse gas emissions, and carbon monoxide, which serve as a major issue that comes with utilizing these vehicles and fossil fuels.

5.2. In the future, there may be more opportunities for using sustainable energy that could potentially reduce these harmful emissions in the environment of Guizhou.

6. Intended Positive Impacts:

6.1. Transportation is costly, so by providing this service for free, people in impoverished areas can find more jobs and not have to travel extremely far distances by foot or bike and waste time they could be using at home or to gain more money.

6.2. The people of Guizhou have the choice available to them if they would rather utilize the transportation system as a method for relocating to a more advanced area permanently or doing day trips back to their homes in rural areas.

6.3. Ch-Uber could potentially benefit overall health in poor areas since the organization could also transport goods and foods to areas that would not typically grow or get those items. This could lead to an improvement in nutrition and people would live healthier lives.

6.4. There would be a increase in educational opportunities for students since they would be able to go to classes in more modern and developed areas. Not only would this help increase children's education but it would also make it more fair for rural children competing with urban children in tests to go to highschool or college.

6.5. The organization may lead to an increase in diversity since it is connecting various parts of the province together and helping rural people visit more modern and developed areas.