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Conceptual Pastry Shop создатель Mind Map: Conceptual Pastry Shop

1. Client

1.1. All the sections of a demograph

1.1.1. Old (above 50) as the desserts are old school

1.1.2. Middle aged ( 18 to 50 ) people who like to explore new flavors and have a developed palete

1.1.3. Children and Teenagers ( 5 - 18) to gain knowledge about old school desserts yet have a modern to attract them

1.2. Multinational Brands

1.2.1. Office parties

1.2.2. Collabs

1.3. Catering ( at a smaller scale)

2. Products

2.1. Entrement

2.1.1. 3 different sizes

2.1.2. Flavors from all around the world

2.2. Choux pastry

2.2.1. Eclairs

2.2.2. Saint Honore

2.2.3. Religieuse

2.2.4. Specialite

2.3. Chocolates

2.3.1. bonbons

2.3.2. shows piece of the month Highest bid Donated to Charity

2.4. Quiches

2.5. Viennoiserie

2.5.1. New Shapes and Sizes

3. Mascot

3.1. Rabbit

3.1.1. Animated

3.1.2. On Desserts

3.1.3. Represents the Patisserie

3.2. Logo

3.2.1. Initials

4. Decor

4.1. Color Scheme for Walls and Furniture

4.1.1. Whites

4.1.2. Light Blues

4.1.3. Greys

4.2. Flooring and Counter Tops

4.2.1. White Marble with Greys

5. Old school Desserts

5.1. Modern Twist

5.1.1. New Shapes

5.1.2. New Techniques

5.2. New Flavor Profiles

5.2.1. French X Indian

5.2.2. Experimental

6. Collaborations

6.1. Chefs

6.1.1. Local

6.1.2. International

6.2. Brands

6.2.1. Multinational Brands

6.3. Local Public /Farmers

6.4. NGOs

6.4.1. Awareness about certain Issues

7. Shop hours

7.1. Tuesday to Friday 830- 1700

7.2. Saturday and Sunday 800 to 1900

8. Uniform

8.1. Service staff

8.1.1. Casuals in shades of Grey

8.1.2. ?

8.2. Chefs

8.2.1. White Chef Coats

9. Packaging

9.1. Boxes with and without Handles

9.2. Paper Bags