Crisis in the current model of secundary education

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Crisis in the current model of secundary education создатель Mind Map: Crisis in the current  model of secundary education

1. Values

1.1. Transformation of values

1.2. Loss of values

1.3. Parents lack of interest

2. Technology impact

2.1. Advantages and disavantages

2.2. Chanllenges using techonology in the learning process

3. Motivation

3.1. Professors and students estimulaton

3.2. Intrinsic and Extrinsic

4. Crisis components

4.1. Society process

4.2. economics

4.3. demographics

4.4. politics

5. Pedagogism

5.1. Democratic and republican system

5.2. Impact of Costa Rican education

5.3. Mentor's status

5.4. objectives direction

5.4.1. objectives to solve needs of a country

5.4.2. Cuantitative vs Substancial education

6. suggestions

6.1. Advices

6.1.1. modifications