Diabetes and Pain management

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Diabetes and Pain management создатель Mind Map: Diabetes and Pain management

1. Legend

2. pharm

3. patho

4. diabetes

4.1. type 1

4.1.1. pancreas produces little or no insulin

4.2. type 2

4.2.1. resists the effects or doesn't produce enough insulin

4.3. Gestational

4.3.1. placental hormones cause high blood sugar

5. medication

5.1. insulin

5.2. oral diabetes medications

5.3. blood pressure medications, aspirin, cholesterol lowering medications

6. Longterm

7. Treatments

8. Treatments

8.1. glucose monitoring

8.2. A1C

8.3. eating healthy, carb counting

8.4. maintaining healthy weight

9. pain management

9.1. neuropathy-nerve damage

9.2. eye damage

9.3. foot damage

9.4. hearing impairment

9.5. pregnancy complications

9.6. kidney damage, nephropathy