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My network создатель Mind Map: My network

1. My Gym teacher- I have an interest in being a PE teacher and i can ask for a job shadow

2. My coach- He knows lots of high level coaches and knows good programs because I want to coach at a high level.

3. My brother- He has a good job and can help me get a job!

4. The coach of the UBCO heat soccer team. Help me find coaching programs to be a university coach

5. My friends dad is a police officer ad can tell me more about the job

6. My teacher- they can let me shadow them for a couple days to gain experience of being a teacher

7. Physiotherapist- I can ask my physiotherapist about his job and ask him if i can do a job shadow.

8. Teacher- my friends mom is a teacher and I am thinking about becoming a teacher so I could ask if they could give me more information about the job and possibly a job shadow.

9. Veterinarian- My dogs vet I really like animals and can see myself being a veterinarian so I could ask if I could shadow my dogs veterinarian and ask about the job.

10. My friend (Olivia) She has a summer job at the beach and can help me get a job!

11. My parents- They have lots of friends throughout their job and could find anyone who is hiring

12. Restuarant owners -My friends family owns a restaurant and can help me get a job as a busser

13. Mrs Demug my school counselor can talk to me about different job that I might be interested in.

14. Elementary school teachers- My brothers girlfriends parents are teachers and could ask them about the job and any questions I have about the job.