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Cultural Diversity создатель Mind Map: Cultural Diversity

1. Problem/Need

1.1. The problem that my site has is there is not enough diversity in terms of cultures and ethnicities.

1.2. Cultural Diversity https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KJ1ygFknjYo&t=63s

2. Campus Kids Connection Inc. (Setting)

2.1. link:About

2.2. Provides quality on-site child care programs in a safe, fun filled, and enriching environment.

2.3. Problem solving, interpersonal communication, building positive self esteem.

2.4. practice a broad range of skills

3. The majority of the children are white, there is only about four hispanics, and 3 black students. All speak english but there is one student who only speaks Spanish. (Population Served)

3.1. Privileged children

3.1.1. Resource for families Santa Cruz County

3.2. Population in Aptos

3.3. Due to the majority of whites residing in Aptos, language isn't much of an importance.

3.3.1. Piki, Elizabeth Sango. "Cultural Diversity." Nursing Standard (Royal College of Nursing (Great Britain) : 1987) 24.29 (2010): 59-60. Web.

3.4. Stigma because there isn't much diversity and makes children become less aware of color.

3.4.1. Beneke, Margaret R, and Gregory A Cheatham. "Race Talk in Preschool Classrooms: Academic Readiness and Participation during Shared-book Reading." Journal of Early Childhood Literacy 19.1 (2019): 107-33. Web

3.5. Ethics and its importance to acknowledged other cultures

4. Teachers and parents (How can we help children understand different cultures)

4.1. Accept certain things child says but you need to follow up with it

4.1.1. Model inclusive behavior and language 13 Tips on How to Talk to Children About Diversity and Difference — Alden E. Habacon

4.2. Help them understand different race/ethnicity

4.2.1. Hajisoteriou, Christina, Karousiou, Christiana, and Angelides, Panayiotis. "Mapping Cultural Diversity through Children's Voices: From Confusion to Clear Understandings." British Educational Research Journal 43.2 (2017): 330-49. Web.

4.3. Follow up with diversity in media

4.3.1. Media Diversity Can Change The Future | Gurnaz Sandhu | TEDxYouth@HamberSchool

4.3.2. Gladkova A. A. "The Role of Television in Cultivating the Values of Pluralism and Cultural Diversity in Children." Psychology in Russia: State of Art 6.1 (2013): 138-43. Web.

4.4. Teaching children about diversity

4.5. Gender roles in

4.5.1. Nicholson, Julie, and Cyndi Maurer. "Gender Creative Children in a World of Diversity in Gender Identities." Multicultural Perspectives 19.1 (2017): 57-60. Web

5. Identity & Personal Impact

5.1. Young, Mexican, female

5.1.1. Farhan Ahmad. "The Impact of Language Diversity on Knowledge Sharing." Informaatiotutkimus 37.1 (2018): Informaatiotutkimus, 01 April 2018, Vol.37(1). Web.

5.2. Assumptions

5.3. Greatest area of growth

5.4. Conclusions & impact of experience

6. Deliverable

6.1. Infographic making cultural diversity aware

6.2. LINK to Google Folder with Deliverable

6.3. LINK to Google Folder with research articles

7. Justification & research supporting deliverable

7.1. Important to know the individual's background

7.1.1. Principals

7.1.2. Langugaes

7.1.3. Values

7.1.4. Morals

7.1.5. Beliefs