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Transport and Manufacting ISC создатель Mind Map: Transport and Manufacting ISC

1. Issues

1.1. Vocational Training needs

1.1.1. Payroll/Admin/Clerical (Lena)

1.2. Government pushing skills of future but we dont know what those pathways are

1.2.1. Maintain traditional skills as well as future skills

1.3. Certainty missing in VET, people not having skills they are meant to be qualified for

1.4. forklift / yard traineeships for 16 year olds

1.5. Change language within VET

1.5.1. Talk about career pathways

2. Employers issue with criteria for Federal funding (previous qual in last 7 years unable to access another qual)

2.1. SA Govt allows for 2nd qual on TAPS under Training Contract

3. Training Priorities Plan (TPP)

4. Development of people (all ages), enabling industry to fill skills gaps (keep it simple)

4.1. What is the job (occupations)?

5. We need boiler makers and welders, truck drivers, fork lift drivers

5.1. System not geared to this (problem is finding skilled workers for jobs)

5.1.1. Public good RoI for training skilled workers (shipbuilding, defence, etc)

5.2. No parent-hood statements about future jobs, needs to be more specific

6. Restore integrity of VET system (need connection between training and employment outcome)

7. School based apprenticeships

7.1. Clerical / admin / business

7.1.1. Numeracy and literacy skills in the workplace ACFA 12 week program for numeracy in construction (15 stakeholders partnering)

7.2. Align training to job

8. Need to brief ISC members on system (VET pathways and training packages)

9. Parents/schools/career advisors

10. What is vision of VET

11. Increasing apprenticeship uptake (change perceptions

12. If VET means skilled worker in any industry

12.1. Do we have enough skilled workers for Industry 4.0, welders, IoT, etc

12.2. Training doesnt always equal skills for the job as employers dont know what future skills they will need

13. Discussion Paper - Apprentices and Trainees (purpose of VET)

14. Diversity of T&M ISC

14.1. meeting needs of thin markets

14.1.1. Cleve example of MTA providing successful / profitable training TAFE withdrew from

14.1.2. remove barriers to public and private partnerships (collaborative arrangements)

15. Taxi industry

15.1. Same market but twice the number of providers

15.2. Access Taxis Government outsource (Unit of competency under TLI package) to drive, unable to attract those drivers - major shortage of drivers / course is expensive, skills in taxi, loading and securing a wheelchair passenger.

15.2.1. Govt no longer providing vehicle for training

15.3. Uber ride sharing impacts

15.3.1. No able to service people with a disability Drivers must be accredited and competent in training package

15.3.2. Unaccredited drivers

15.3.3. DPTI have compliance officers (powerless to discipline non-compliant drivers)

15.4. Review regulatory requirements

15.5. Access vouchers now part of NDIS package that wont fund it (SATS vouchers)