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Web 2.0 создатель Mind Map: Web 2.0

1. change in role of academy

1.1. organizes courses

1.2. curators

1.3. certification

1.4. working space

1.5. access

2. changes in learning

2.1. social media

2.2. informal learning

2.3. just in time learning

2.4. changes in student - teacher relation

2.5. PLEs

2.6. MOOCs

2.7. student-driven

2.8. student-owned

2.9. practices

2.10. changes in ownwership of knowledge

3. scholarship 2.0

3.1. change in scholarly practices and values

3.2. always on publication

3.3. open collaboration

3.4. changes in refereeing

3.5. online journals, papers, conferences, theses

4. My Geistesblitzes

4.1. read/write web

5. origins

5.1. web 1.0 / Read only

5.2. Berners-Lee's original vision

5.3. email as most powerful app

5.4. usenet BBS

5.5. New node

6. 1st gen 2.0 apps: user-driven

6.1. blogs-1999

6.2. wikis - 1995

6.3. IM and SMS

7. 2nd gen 2.0 social apps:

7.1. MySpace

7.2. Facebook

7.3. twitter

7.4. tumbler

7.5. flickr

7.6. google docs

7.7. MindMeister

7.8. del.icio.us

7.9. technorati

7.10. blogger

7.11. wikis

7.12. WordPress

7.13. Quora

8. development on the desktop

8.1. participate by multiple means

8.2. participate by multiple devices

8.2.1. multiple devices access common content

8.3. participate in multiple modes

9. fostering

9.1. person to person contact

9.2. collaboration

9.3. sharing

9.4. folksonomy

9.5. findability

9.6. increased social networking

9.7. micro marketing

10. critiques

10.1. hype in the manner of web 1.0 bubble

11. but also fostering

11.1. amateurism

11.2. suspicion of expertise and professionalism

11.3. equating of authority with authenticity

11.4. impatience: sense of instant availability

11.5. consumerist perspective of knowledge and people

12. new literacy

12.1. collaborative language

12.2. sophistic rhetoric

12.3. visual literacies

12.4. habit and methods of critique

12.5. sense of history

12.6. transliteracy

12.7. models and theories of evaluation

12.8. dialogic

12.9. multimodal texts

13. pedagogy 2.0

13.1. changes in access

13.1.1. mobile learning

13.1.2. SL and other immersive environs

13.2. what stays the same

13.3. constructivism

13.3.1. MOOCs

13.3.2. PLEs

13.4. New node

14. business 2.0

14.1. micro marketing

14.2. viral advertising

14.3. customer created content

14.4. ...

15. Where Next?

15.1. web 3.0

15.1.1. semantic web

16. produsage

16.1. bruns, mainly