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Aruban Culture создатель Mind Map: Aruban Culture

1. Food

1.1. Crioyo Food

1.2. Junk Food

1.3. Comfort Food

1.4. Veganism

1.5. Truck

2. Language

2.1. Mother tonge

2.2. Multi-lingialism

3. Faith and Religion

3.1. Christianism

3.2. Atheism

3.3. Moslims

3.4. Jews

4. Norms and Values

4.1. Taboo

4.2. Folkways

4.3. Law

4.4. Mores

5. Education

5.1. Education at home

5.2. Elementary School

5.3. Secundairy Education

5.4. Vocational Education

5.5. Higher Education

6. Art

6.1. Music

6.2. Drama

6.3. Dance

6.4. Visual arts

6.5. Poetry and Literature

7. Behavior, Attitudes and Peculiar celebrations

7.1. Laba man

7.2. Dande

7.3. Dera gai

8. Believes and superstitions

8.1. Ghosts/ ferboor

8.2. Karma

8.3. Full Moon

8.4. Friday the 13th