Indian Friendship Centre Sault Ste. Marie

Community Agencies and Marginalized Populations - Indian Friendship Centre

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Indian Friendship Centre Sault Ste. Marie создатель Mind Map: Indian Friendship Centre Sault Ste. Marie

1. Mission Statement

1.1. “The Indian Friendship Centre in Sault Ste. Marie Is Guided by the Teachings Given by the Creator to the Aboriginal People. These Teachings Will Unite Us in Harmony As We Build a Strong, Proud Community for Seven Generations.”

2. Beliefs

2.1. In providing a safe and secure environment for the people we serve

2.2. In the freedom of the individual’s right to choose their belief

2.3. In the equality of all ages and races

2.4. Promoting the holistic approach to a healthier way of life and, in the reinforcement and revitalization of our native heritage.

3. Values

3.1. The Physical, Emotional, Mental, Spiritual, and Social well-being of all

3.2. The dedication and commitment of people who share their wisdom and knowledge for the betterment of our community

3.3. Respects the uniqueness of individuals, and our special relation with all creation

4. Objectives

4.1. To provide a meeting place for Native and non-Native people

4.2. To stimulate and help Native self-expression and the development of Native leadership

4.3. To help encourage study of Native needs and help in the planning of services with Native people in both public and private agencies

5. Programs

5.1. Children and Youth

5.1.1. Aboriginal Healthy Babies Healthy Children (AHBHC)

5.1.2. Akwe:go: Urban Aboriginal Children’s Program

5.1.3. Children’s Mental Health Project (CMHP)

5.1.4. Children Who Witness Violence (CWWV) Program

5.1.5. Wasa-Nabin: Urban Aboriginal Youth Program

5.2. Education to Employment

5.2.1. Wasa-Nabin: Urban Aboriginal Youth Program

5.2.2. Apatisiwin

5.3. Family

5.3.1. Homelessness Partnering Strategy

5.3.2. Urban Aboriginal Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder Program

5.4. Healing

5.4.1. Healing and Wellness Program

5.4.2. Health Outreach Program

5.4.3. Kanawayhitowin

5.4.4. Kizhaay Anishinaabe Niin

5.5. Health

5.5.1. Aboriginal Diabetes Program

5.5.2. Addictions and Mental Health Programs

5.5.3. Life Long Care Program

5.5.4. Urban Aboriginal Healthy Living Program

5.6. Justice

5.6.1. Aboriginal Combined Courtwork Program

5.6.2. Aboriginal Criminal Courtwork Program

5.6.3. Aboriginal Community Justice Program

5.6.4. Aboriginal Family Courtwork Program

5.6.5. Gladue Writer

6. Further Information

6.1. Children and Youth | Ontario Federation of Indigenous Friendship Centres

6.2. The Indian Friendship Centre

6.2.1. (705) 256-5634