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The Dieppe Raid создатель Mind Map: The Dieppe Raid

1. What happened to delay the attack?

1.1. On the way to the to Dieppe the Canadian troops came across a small German convoy

1.2. there was a small battle in the ocean and that alerted the Germans on the beach.

2. How were the Canadians involved?

2.1. 4,963 Canadians

3. What was Canada's role?

3.1. The Second Canadian Division was selected to be the main attack force to capture Dieppe.

4. What countries were involved?

4.1. Germany

4.2. Canada

4.3. Britain

5. Where did this battle occur?

5.1. The battle occurred at the French resort town of Dieppe in August 19, 1942

6. When was the battle supposed to occur and why didn't it?

6.1. The battle was supposed to occur during the night.

6.2. The battle did not occur during the night because they had a battle with a small German convoy.

7. Why were the troops trapped on the beaches?

7.1. The Canadian troop miscommunication

7.2. The sent in reinforcements to early

7.3. The tanks could not advance because of the small rocks on the beach did not give the tanks any traction.