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Product Orientation создатель Mind Map: Product Orientation

1. Roles

1.1. Product Manager

1.1.1. Domain Knowledge

1.2. Product Owner

1.3. Portfolio Manager

1.4. Marketing Manager

1.4.1. Sales team

1.5. Marketing Analyst

1.6. Business Analyst

1.7. Development Team

1.8. Product Coach (?)

1.9. SRO

2. Product Lifecycle

2.1. Market Research

2.2. Introduction

2.3. Growth

2.4. Maturity

2.5. Decline

3. Metrics

3.1. Delivery

3.2. Customer

3.3. Business

4. Connections in Org

4.1. R&D (product research)

4.2. HR (talent acquisition )

4.3. DevOps (delivery)

4.4. ?? (market research)

4.5. procurement (signs the deal)

4.6. communication (marketing PR)

4.7. legal (legal and compliance)

4.8. ? (training)

4.9. ? (sales)

5. Product Characteristic

5.1. Development

5.2. Pricing

5.3. Distribution

5.4. Promotion

5.5. Value Proposition

6. Relations

6.1. Customers

6.2. Stakeholders

6.3. Competitors

6.4. SME

7. Products

7.1. Vision

7.2. Mission

7.3. Strategy

7.4. Priorities

7.5. Toolset

8. Portfolio Lifecycle