Provide professional development for teachers in small groups, using multiple presenters on a rot...

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Provide professional development for teachers in small groups, using multiple presenters on a rotating basis that shares the best possible technologies so students can take advantage of using them. These sessions can also be asynchronous depending on teacher needs. создатель Mind Map: Provide professional development for teachers in small groups, using multiple presenters on a rotating basis that shares the best possible technologies so students can take advantage of using them. These sessions can also be asynchronous depending on teacher needs.

1. Some sessions can be asynchronous.

1.1. Teachers can work at their own pace.

1.1.1. Can collaborate with others at other schools.

1.2. Access PD at any time for reference.

1.2.1. Could just go back once and never fully implement the technology.

1.3. Tailers personal interest.

1.3.1. Feel that the PD is personalized for them and not just another meaningless meeting

2. Present staff with survey asking what they need.

2.1. Addresses what needs

2.1.1. Time consuming based on the amount that needs to be covered.

2.2. Addresses who needs

2.2.1. Less participants could mean more incentives to join.

3. Students are presented with engaging technologies.

3.1. Students are happier in school especially when using technology.

3.1.1. Better results on state assessments.

3.2. Prepares them to be 21st century learners.

4. Addresses individual needs when working in small groups.

4.1. Could have to hold several PDs to reach everyone depending on needs.

4.2. Can become a support group for other staff members.

4.3. Shared collaboration between groups.

4.3.1. Staff community building and sense of community within the school building.