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A-Z of CITIES создатель Mind Map: A-Z of CITIES

1. conspicuous consumption

2. young

3. undergone

4. O

4.1. opportunities

4.2. overpopulated

5. Q

5.1. quiet

6. S

6.1. soaring

6.2. spotless

6.3. sprawling

6.4. safe

6.5. secure

7. U

7.1. unwelcoming

7.2. unspoilt

7.3. ugly

8. W

8.1. well-run

8.2. wealthy

9. Y

10. C

10.1. chaotic

10.2. congested

10.2.1. compact

10.3. cosmopolitan

10.4. contemporary

10.5. condemned

11. E

11.1. A

11.1.1. affluent amazing

11.1.2. Adorable

11.2. energetic

11.3. enormous

12. I

12.1. industrial

12.1.1. exciting

13. traditional

14. restless

14.1. P

14.1.1. polluted

14.1.2. picturesque

15. friendly

16. flourishing

17. xenophobic

18. lively

19. tiny

20. destroyed

21. run-down

22. jam packed

23. J

24. B

24.1. bustling

24.2. buzzing

24.2.1. buzz

25. D

25.1. dazzling

25.1.1. downturn

25.2. dull

26. H

26.1. huge

26.2. Hot

26.3. humid

26.4. hardly

26.5. horrible

27. L

27.1. laughing

28. R

28.1. ruined

29. T

29.1. touristy

29.2. traffic

30. V

30.1. vibrant

30.2. vast

31. X

32. Z

32.1. buZZ

32.2. zillion

33. F

33.1. fume

33.2. fascinating