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Manufacturing создатель Mind Map: Manufacturing

1. Where: Midlands / South

1.1. Data

1.2. B'Ham Chambers

1.2.1. List of Manufacturing Members

1.3. LinkedIn

1.4. Customers

1.5. Events

1.5.1. 23rd OCT - Engineering Expo 13th NOV - Midlands Better Business Expo

2. What: Automation

2.1. Effeciency

2.1.1. Consultancy

2.1.2. Microsoft 365

2.2. Security Risk

2.2.1. Security Infrastructure Assessment

2.2.2. Penetration Testing

3. Who: Director / IT Analyst / MD / IT Manager

4. How many: 50 - 200 users

5. Pain Points

5.1. Keeping Up With – and Utilizing – New Technologies

5.1.1. Cybersecurity

5.2. Cyber Security

5.3. Changing legacy and homegrown systems

5.4. Increasing productivity

5.5. Customer Experience