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Innovation ++ создатель Mind Map: Innovation ++

1. IP+ Assets

1.1. Already Solved in some account, Generalized solution , e.g. IFRS9, Data Archival

1.2. TAIS business related

1.3. Tech Focused

1.3.1. Mainly Cloud, Analytics

1.4. Data + Analytics

1.4.1. Consulting Offerings

1.4.2. ANaaS Plaform - Plainconcepts, ADATIS

1.4.3. ANaaS Platform Apps

1.4.4. IoT in Select Domains - Supply Chain

1.4.5. GCP Migration followed by other clouds

2. E comm Portal to buy Services

3. Mastek Customer - Revenue Enablement

3.1. Innovation Labs - Create and Monetize

3.2. Tech Research for Customer Agenda

3.3. Handle Tech Spikes

3.4. Help develope Business Cases

3.5. Introducing new Tech into A/Cs

4. Internal Facing - Automation

4.1. E comm portal to sell innovation services to customer

4.2. P/L Optimization

4.3. SAP Surround Services I/P

4.4. Automate Corporate Processes

5. Mastek Business - Differentiators

5.1. EA Strategic Tech Partner - Grow, Retain Mastek Wallet Share