5 Ways to Listen Better by Julian Treasure

5 Ways to Listen Better

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5 Ways to Listen Better by Julian Treasure создатель Mind Map: 5 Ways to Listen Better by Julian Treasure

1. Losing Listening Is A Serious Problem

1.1. Because Listening Creates Understanding

2. 5 Exercises to Improve Conscious Listening

2.1. 1. Silence

2.1.1. Engulf Yourself In Silence for 3 Minutes

2.2. 2. "The Mixer"

2.2.1. How Many Channel of Sounds You Can Hear?

2.3. 3. "Savoring

2.3.1. Enjoy The Mundane Sound - "The Hidden Choir"

2.4. 4. Listening Position

2.4.1. Move Your Listening Position To What's Appropriate

2.5. 5. The "RASA" Acronym

2.5.1. R For Receive - Pay Attention

2.5.2. A For Appreciate -Making Little Noises Like "Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, ok"

2.5.3. S For Summarize - Utilize The Word "So"

2.5.4. A For Ask - Ask Question Afterwards

3. People Are Losing Listening

3.1. We tend to retain only 25% of what we hear

4. Why Are We Losing Listening?

4.1. 1. Humans Have Invented Ways of Recording

4.1.1. Relying On Technology Than Listening Accurately

4.2. 2. The World Is Now A Cacophony

4.3. 3. Humans Are Becoming Impatient

4.4. 4. Humans Are Becoming Desensitized

4.4.1. People Had to Scream