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Business Activity создатель Mind Map: Business Activity

1. Enterprise and Entrepreneurship

1.1. Entrepreneur definition and characteristics

1.2. Business plan definition, needed for, inclusions, advantages

1.3. Government support for new business

2. measuring and problems of measuring business size

2.1. Value of output

2.2. value of sales

2.3. number of employees

2.4. value of capital employed

3. Business Failure !

4. Feature of different forms of business

4.1. Unincorporated business

4.1.1. Sole trader

4.1.2. Partnership

4.2. Incorporated business

4.2.1. Private Limited company LTD

4.2.2. Public Limited Company PLC

4.2.3. Shareholders

4.2.4. Franchising

4.3. Unlimited Liability

4.4. Limited liabilities

5. Stakeholders

5.1. List

5.1.1. Internal Stakeholders Owners Workers Mangers

5.1.2. External stakeholders Consumers Government community

6. purpose and nature of business activity

6.1. Need

6.2. Want

6.3. Scarcity

6.3.1. Land

6.3.2. Labour

6.3.3. Capital

6.3.4. Enterprise

6.4. Opportunity cost

6.5. Specialization

6.6. Division of Labour

6.7. Added value

7. Classification of business activities

7.1. Economic sector levels

7.1.1. Relating to trades

7.1.2. Relating to industries

7.1.3. Relating to money management to make profit

7.1.4. Primary Sector

7.1.5. Secondary sector

7.1.6. Tertiary Sector

8. Mixed Economy

8.1. Private Sector Advantages and Disadvantages - Objectives

9. Business growth

9.1. Why

9.2. Ways

9.2.1. internal growth

9.2.2. External growth Horizontal integration vertical integration joint venture

10. Business Objectives and stockholders

10.1. Business Survivl

10.2. Profit

10.3. Growth

10.4. Return To hare holders

10.5. Market Share

10.6. providing service for society