Identifying and Helping Struggling Students: Chris Hewitt

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Identifying and Helping Struggling Students: Chris Hewitt создатель Mind Map: Identifying and Helping Struggling Students: Chris Hewitt

1. Identifying Struggling Students: Step1: Take notes on how much a student is struggling, paying special attention to social behavior and body movements: What skills need help? Why might that be? Where should they be at this point?

1.1. Step 2: Share your notes with a special education teacher and invite the teacher to join your class for observation.

1.1.1. Step 3: Discuss and compare observations with the special education teacher. Also, Consider the students progress / scores. Step 4: Contact the parents about what has been observed and get permission with parents to have them take tests. Step 5: Have the student take tests in a special education office or somewhere outside of school that specialized with students with disabilities.

2. Helping Struggling Students: Step 1: Decide on a goal for the student whether it would be that they learn, that they are not helpless, or that they could get a job later. Also decide how often you will meet with the parents.

2.1. Step 2: Decide on the structure of lessons, how transitions will be indicated and how new information will be introduced in the most efficient way.

2.1.1. Step 3: Figure out how content can be presented using as many senses as possible. Consider using technology. Step 4: Make sure students are able to complete one small task at a time. Step 5: Evaluate how well the students understand, interact, and find interest.