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Chapter 3 создатель Mind Map: Chapter 3

1. 3 The Glorious Revolution 1688

1.1. William landed with an army in Devon,James II fled abroad= Mary II + William of Orange in charge •Cooperation between the crown and Parliament 1689 (Constitutional monarchy) •economic progress -London: financial capital of the world • Bill of Rights 1689

2. 1The Civil War

2.1. Parlamentarians (Cavaliers) •Oliver Cromwell

2.1.1. -Puritains (they wanted to purify their national Church,the self and society as well)

2.2. Royalists (Roundheads)

2.3. At the end: Charles I executed 1649

2.3.1. Cromwell in charge (republic "the Commonwealth")

3. 2 The Restoration of the monarchy

3.1. After Cromwell: Charles II 1660 (worst than Charles I) •bubonic plague 1665 •the Great Fire

3.2. James II 1685 (two wives) -catholic -wants to give civic equality to Roman Catholic -her daughter,Mary II (protestant) married with William of Orange

4. 4 The birth of political parties

4.1. Whigs (name derived from 'cattle drivers') •Labour/Liberal democrats (middle classes of society) -descendants of Parlamentarians -supported by the wealthy and commercial classes -believers in industrial development,a vigorous foreign policy and religious toleration

4.2. Tories (name derived from the 17th century Irish outlaws who killed English settlers) •Conservatives (high classes of society) -descendants of the Royalists -supported by the crown and Church -believers in divine right of the monarch and opposed religious toleration

4.3. Modern UK Parliament

4.3.1. House of Commons (regularly elected)

4.3.2. House of Lords (not elected,there for life)

4.3.3. MP (member in Parliament)

4.3.4. PM (prime minister) First PM:the Whig Sir Robert Walpole 1721-42 (in charge for twenty years) •financial improvement (England out of foreign conflicts=trade could flourish+less taxes) •accused of corruption and bribery during elections but he survived • George II gave him a house in Westminster,10 Downing Street which is still the official residence of the PM today

5. 5 Hanover dynasty (at the beginning of the 18th century)

5.1. •Queen Anne -the Act of Union 1707 (Scotland United with England) •George I •George II

6. 6 A Golden age 18th century ('Augustan')

6.1. •stability •power as a flourish of the arts •traditionalism of elegance and wit •materialistic society(worldly, pragmatic and responsive to economic pressure) -political institutions were hierarchica, hereditary and privileged -individualism championed •an extraordinarily free and open age •optimism