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Disabilities создатель Mind Map: Disabilities

1. Writing

1.1. Pen and Paper

1.2. Live scribe

1.2.1. useful for students in school

2. Computer Access

2.1. Speech-generating Devices

3. Vision

3.1. IPad

3.1.1. Projector

3.1.2. different apps Be My Eyes app

3.2. landscaped paper

3.2.1. better for taking tests Be My Eyes app

3.3. braille accessories

3.3.1. walking cane

4. Alternative Communication

4.1. Pictures

4.2. Sign Language

4.3. Communication Board

4.4. Gestures, facial expressions, and body language

5. Hearing

5.1. Hearing Aid

5.2. computer programs

5.2.1. programs that will translate on the screen for speaking and hearing impairments