Positive Relationships in the Classroom

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Positive Relationships in the Classroom создатель Mind Map: Positive Relationships in the Classroom

1. Student-Student Relationship

1.1. Sample Strategies

1.1.1. Flexible grouping Have students of different levels work with each other

1.1.2. Co-operative learning Give different jobs Use timers

1.1.3. Vocabulary of appreciation How to give good feedback

1.2. Recognize the importance of each student

1.2.1. Coding?

1.3. Help others in need

1.4. Respect and appreciate each other

1.5. Additional Resources

1.5.1. 6 Strategies for Building Better Student Relationships

2. Teacher- Student Relationship

2.1. Verbal Limits

2.1.1. Four basics forms I-message: Saying “I need” or “I want” “Excuse me”, Hold up a minute Prompt with questioning intonation Hint: “Everything should be off your desks

2.1.2. Describing what students should be doing in an appropriate manner

2.1.3. Resources

2.2. Proximity

2.2.1. Your movement in the classroom

2.2.2. Teacher: actively involved and aware of all behaviour

2.2.3. Builds connection and communication

2.2.4. Equal access to the teacher

2.2.5. Prevents negative behaviour

2.2.6. Resources

2.3. Sample Strategies to Win Over Students

2.3.1. Meet students at door every day

2.3.2. Demonstrate personal interest in students

2.3.3. Use student names positively

2.3.4. Smile, use humour, show enthusiasm

2.3.5. Resources

2.4. Non-Contigent Positive Reinforcement

2.4.1. Deposits in another persons emotional bank account

2.4.2. Those with behaviour disabilities have close to empty emotional bank accounts

2.4.3. Unconditional and Independent

2.4.4. Foundation of trust and security

2.4.5. Intrinsic Motivation

2.4.6. Models positive actions

2.4.7. Increases chances of cooperation

2.4.8. Bonding connections between student and teacher

2.5. Effective Communication

2.5.1. Polite requests > Questions

2.5.2. Create an optimal distance

2.5.3. Eye Contact

2.5.4. Quiet Voice

2.5.5. Requests Processing time between requests Start > Stop Do > Don't

2.5.6. Verbal reinforcement

2.5.7. Don't overload students with questions, requests, etc.

3. Teacher-Parent Relationship

3.1. Parents as members of the learning team

3.2. Sample Strategies

3.2.1. Learning conferences Celebrate student learning Parents can give feedback

3.2.2. Share good news Don't just communicate negatives, bring up positives

3.3. Negative interactions?

3.4. Additional Resources

3.4.1. https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/ca6d/e1a4c3c195ee83f30f6ec52763ade138b0c0.pdf

3.4.2. https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/1749/39d8af73f44ed7be0cfef2b2d85678907da4.pdf

3.4.3. Building relationships between parents and teachers: Megan Olivia Hall at TEDxBurnsvilleED

4. School Bonding

4.1. Have the students create a relationship with their class and school

4.2. Can be developed across different grades

4.3. Sample Strategies

4.3.1. Create classroom jobs

4.3.2. Display samples of student work

4.4. Additional Resources

4.4.1. School Bonding in Children and Adolescents: Conceptualization, Assessment, and Associated Variables

4.4.2. Factors Influencing the Development of School Bonding Among Middle School Students

4.4.3. School Bonding - an overview | ScienceDirect TopicsScienceDirectElsevier