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Ethical Dilemma создатель Mind Map: Ethical Dilemma

1. steak-holders

1.1. Hannah: she will get in trouble for misinforming these patients

1.2. Eleanor: false information is being said about the clubhouse she works at

1.3. Candace: she is being misinformed

2. Possible Action: Report Hannah

2.1. Positive Outcome: people wouldn't continue to be misinformed

2.2. Negative Outcome: Hannah could be fired

3. Possible Action: Do nothing

3.1. Positive Outcome: They might get more people to join

3.2. Negative Outcome: People will be disappointed after they join the clubhouse and not enjoy themselves

4. Possible Action: Tell Hannah to stop misinforming people and don't report her

4.1. Positive Outcome: Hannah wouldn't get in trouble and no more false information will be spreading

4.2. Negative Outcome: Hannah might not listen to Eleanor and keep misinforming people

5. Possible Action: Eleanor could tell Hannah's supervisor

5.1. Positive Outcome: Hannah will no longer spread false information and might not get fired

5.2. Negative Outcome: Hannah could loose the respect of her supervisor and ruin their relationship

6. Core Values

6.1. Truth

6.1.1. Hannah could tell the truth and not give the people false information just so they sign up for a membership

6.2. Altruism

6.2.1. Hannah should care more about what Candace wants to do and for her welfare. She just wants her to pay to join the clubhouse.

7. Ethical Principles and Standards of Conduct

7.1. Veracity

7.1.1. 5B: refrain from using false or misleading statements

7.2. Justice

7.2.1. 4K: report to authority any acts in practice that are unethical

8. Chosen Action

9. Description: Candace is in the hospital for her chronic schizophrenia. After being at the hospital, she went to a clubhouse in order to get back into the community and find another job. Candace told Eleanor that she learned about this organization from her inpatient OT at the hospital. This OT told her she could get a full time job and get paid for doing different things at the clubhouse. Eleanor had to inform Candace that she cannot be paid to do work on the facility or give her a permanent full time job. Eleanor decided to call the hospital that told Candace this and the director of the OT department, Hannah, said that they misinform or exaggerate what the clubhouse offers in order to convince the patient to join.