The Constitutional Convention of 1787 Caden Choice

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The Constitutional Convention of 1787 Caden Choice создатель Mind Map: The Constitutional Convention of 1787 Caden Choice

1. The Bill of Rights

1.1. The Bill of Rights is a document with the first ten amendments.

1.1.1. It list certain prohibitions or governmental li mitations.

2. The Great Compromise

2.1. It provided for a bicameral Congress

2.1.1. House of Representatives- each state is represented according to its population Senate- each state a 2 senators. Both houses of the Congress must past pass every law.

3. 3/5 Compromise

3.1. 3/5ths of slaves counted as population in determining representation to the House of Representatives.

3.1.1. 3/5ths of slaves would be counted only for the purpose of taxation

4. New Jersey Plan

4.1. Had a unicameral legislature

4.1.1. With this plan each state received one vote making all the states equal so it was targeted towards the smaller states. This plan would have resulted in a really weak government if they all had one vote.

5. The Articles of Confederation

5.1. The Articles originally failed, Because it presented a fear of a strong central government.

5.2. The Articles originally gave the states the power.

6. Federalism

6.1. A federalist is a person that believes in the act of federalism or a system of government in which states share power with the national government.

6.1.1. The Anti-Federalists were a group of Americans who objected to the creation of a stronger U.S. federal government and opposed final ratification of the U.S.

7. Virginia Plan

7.1. Had a bicameral legislature

7.1.1. The number of representative in each house depended on the population of each state and that is why this plan was targeted toward the larger states.