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Global issues создатель Mind Map: Global issues

1. Practise

1.1. gerunds and infinitives (P. 78)

1.2. used to - be used to - get used to (P. 79)

1.3. idioms: weather (P. 81)

1.4. word formation: nouns from verbs (p. 84)

1.5. words often confused: rubbish/litter/waste, inactive/extinct/disappeared, fog/fumes/smoke, lose/miss/waste, team/ crew/staff (p.84)

2. Write / Make / Do

2.1. an interview with a journalist (P.75)

2.2. an opinion essay (P. 82-83)

2.3. an article about a popular animal in your country (SPR p. 7)

2.4. an experiment about tornadoes (p.87)

3. Listen, read and talk

3.1. natural disaster (P.74)

3.2. environmental problems (P.76)

3.3. animals (P. 78)

3.4. the weather (P.80)

3.5. scottish "coos" (p.85)

3.6. tornadoes and hail (p. 86-87)

4. learn how to

4.1. interact and keep a conversation going (p.77)

4.2. talk about past habits (p.79)

4.3. break up a sentence into meaningful parts (p. 82-83)

4.4. link ideas (p.87)