Causes of the Confederation of Canada

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Causes of the Confederation of Canada создатель Mind Map: Causes of the Confederation of Canada

1. American Expansion

1.1. French assimilation

1.2. Manifest Destiny

1.3. Fenian Raids

2. Economic Isssues

2.1. Railway

2.1.1. Debt share between provinces

2.2. Corn Laws

3. American Civil War

3.1. St Albans Raid 1864

3.2. Trent Crisis 1861

4. Why join confederation?

4.1. Provincial control

5. PEI not represented

6. 3 Conferences

6.1. Charlottetown

6.1.1. Martime confederation scrapped

6.1.2. Wide confederation helps all

6.1.3. Drunken fest

6.2. Quebec

6.2.1. Parliament established House of Commons Senate

6.2.2. Federal government established Taxes, defense, global peace

6.2.3. Provincial government established Civil law, property, natural resources, local issues

6.2.4. 72 Resolutions

6.3. London

6.3.1. British North America Act

7. Cancellation of Repriocity Treaty

7.1. USA wanted to weaken Canada

8. Political Deadlock

8.1. Reformers vs Tories

8.2. French Vs English

8.2.1. Roman Catholic vs Protestant

8.3. Representation by population

8.3.1. Premier/Prime minister Charles Tupper

9. British Influence

9.1. Britain tired of paying colonial debts

9.2. British North America Act

9.3. British supports South

9.4. Act of Union

9.4.1. Canada West George Brown John A. Macdonald

9.4.2. Canada East George-Étienne Cartier

10. The Great Coalition

11. New Brunswick joins confederation

12. Nova Scotia joins confederation

13. Quebec (Canada East) joins confederation

14. Ontario (Canada West) joins

15. Why not join?

15.1. Ties to USA

16. Joseph Howe

17. Samuel Leonard Tilley