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Snowstorms in Boston создатель Mind Map: Snowstorms in Boston

1. stores closed

1.1. buy ahead of times

2. car accidents

2.1. take the t

3. No power

3.1. Damaged power lines

4. get to work late

4.1. leave early from home

5. stuck inside

5.1. play bored games

6. Icy condition

6.1. they put chemical before time

7. makes problems with the t worse

7.1. fix the t and make the train waterproof

8. cars geting floder

8.1. put in a grange

9. One big solution is Interactive snow plow tracking. their are use gps to keep track of where they plaow and they are going to use artificial intelligence to know where to plaow.

10. Deaths

10.1. they can ask if the can be in a cvs store

10.2. Death from heart attacks

10.3. Death from car accidents

10.4. Death from slips and falls

11. No internet

11.1. ]play board games

12. makes traffic worse

12.1. take the t

13. pipes freeze brake

13.1. water comes out

14. no schools

14.1. stay home

15. potential injuries

15.1. be safe were you walk and wallk slow

16. people forget to shovel

16.1. people that supposedly forget gets a tickets from the sicty

17. people put too much salt

17.1. you can put the salt

18. snow storm are bad for people

18.1. go to a homeless shelter