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Asthma Control создатель Mind Map: Asthma Control

1. Perceived Barriers

1.1. Access to care

1.2. Social beliefs/norms

1.3. Lack of education

1.4. Availability

1.5. Cost

1.6. Medical/racial bias

1.7. Medication side effects

2. Perceived Threat

2.1. Hospitalizations

2.2. Death

2.3. Worsened condition

3. Perceived Benefits

3.1. Easier to breathe

3.2. Less hospitalizations

3.3. Saving money

4. Cues to Action

4.1. Asthma action plan

4.2. Difficulty breathing

4.3. Education

5. Self-Efficacy/Motivation

5.1. Education

5.2. Beliefs about health

5.3. Family/support system

5.4. Desire to have adequate asthma control