Qualitative VS Quantitative.

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Qualitative VS Quantitative. создатель Mind Map: Qualitative VS Quantitative.

1. Both methods are used in research to acquire knowledge.

2. Identifies different types of acts

2.1. Check out http://www.mindmeister.com/tools

3. the differences are:

4. try to identify the profound nature of realities and their structure.

5. describes characteritics and qualities

6. classified groups andcompares.

7. we can found it in

8. texts such as narratives.

9. It is what allows to examine data in numerical way

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9.2. Key shortcuts

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9.2.2. TAB to insert (Mac OS)

9.2.3. ENTER to add siblings

9.2.4. DEL to delete

9.2.5. Press F1 to see all key shortcuts

9.3. Drag & Drop and double-click canvas

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10. accounted phenomena (alredy known)

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10.3. ... and some great ideas too!

11. describes dimensions, length and depth.

12. distributes

13. we can found it in.

14. reports with tables, graphs, etc.