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School Social Work создатель Mind Map: School Social Work

1. Group Work

1.1. Support groups

1.2. Workshops

1.3. Education group

1.4. Prevention and early intervention programs

2. Referrals

2.1. Student support services

2.2. Liasing with community services

3. Home visits

3.1. Outside intervention in the home

3.2. In-home training for special education students

4. Professional development

4.1. Providing training and workshops to teachers and school staff

4.2. Attend supervision to develop professional knowledge and skills in regards to direct practice

5. Research and policy

5.1. Analysis of school policy and development

5.2. Critical evaluation of self practice

5.3. Development ad implementation of critical response policies to crisis

6. Critical incident management

6.1. Planning for school responses for critical incidents

6.2. Emergency management

6.3. Interventions to reduce the negative impacts of traumatic incidents

6.4. Monitoring recovery

7. Student Education

7.1. Identifies appropriate oppurtunities for student field education

7.2. Provides appropriate supervision to the student in accordance with the AASW code of ethics.

8. Counselling

8.1. Student

8.2. Family

8.3. Non traditional methods such as cooking classes, playing sport

9. Assesments

9.1. Risk assesment

9.2. Suicide risk assesment

9.3. Safety plans

9.4. Psychosocial assesments

10. Reporting

10.1. Sexual Assault

10.2. Child abuse & neglect

10.3. Self-harm, Suicide risk

11. Advocacy and mediation

11.1. Establish breakfast/lunch clubs for students who need to access this service

11.2. Gender neutral bathrooms

11.3. Mediation between students, parents and school

11.4. Applying for student scholarships

11.5. Helping families acess services/programs for students within the school and community

11.6. Creation and development of service delivery plans

12. Behaviour & learning management

12.1. Provide recommendations for behaviour management strategies and learning support

12.2. Creating behavioural management plans

12.3. Attending student support group meetings

12.4. In class support

12.5. Implementing positive behavior strategies

13. Adminstration

13.1. Record keeping of client files

13.2. Program dvelopment and coordination

13.3. Evaluation of organisational service delivery