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badminton создатель Mind Map: badminton

1. rules-El bádminton se puede jugar de manera individual o en parejas, según sea el tipo de enfrentamiento. En vez de usar una pelota como en la mayoría de los deportes de raqueta, se usa un volante. El volante sólo puede ser golpeado con la raqueta. Es necesario que el volante cruce la pista y que lo haga por encima de la red para caer en el sector opuesto. Un punto finaliza en el momento en que el volante toque el suelo, siempre que se haya sobrepasado la red. Un partido consta de tres sets y se lo adjudica quien consigue vencer en dos de ellos. Para el saque inicial, el jugador que sirve y quien recibe, se tienen que situar en diagonal opuesta respecto a la zona de servicio.

2. types of blowsHIGH GOLPES: CLEAR: It could be defined as a powerful balloon towards the bottom of the track that seeks to move the opposite of the net. It is considered defensive strike, although in some situations it may also be considered offensive. It is a hit whose main function is to respond to the steering wheels thrown at high altitude. DROP: This would be a downward trajectory hit, right on the net, but it is performed from the bottom of the track. It can also be called left high or fast. Here the opponent who has thrown the steering wheel has a considerable height is expected with a punchline, he is surprised to receive the steering wheel very close to the net.- REMATE: You'd think it's a quick, down trajectory hit to win the point. The racket hits the steering wheel from top to bottom, with a drop angle that makes it difficult for the opposing player to respond. MEDIUM GOLPES: DRIVE: This is a horizontal and long trajectory stroke. It is blow that runs between the hip and the head, it is an offensive blow, passes very close to the net with a path parallel to the ground. LOW GOLPES: LOB: Defined as:upward path hit to the bottom of the track, which seeks to move the opposite of the net. It must be a heavy blow for the steering wheel to gain height. Used in response to a left or a punchline. LEFT: Strike that is performed with the racket completely parallel to the ground. It's a blow to get the steering wheel to fall fairly next to the net.

3. Vocabulary-Advantage Attack clear Back zone Player Pulled Drop Quarterfins Racket Rally Reception area Catcher Right-handed player Round All against all Schedule Semifinal Service or serve Lack of Foot Judge of serve Set Individual Short kick Steering wheel Auction Specifications Rigidity Parallel strike Chopped finish Ropes Swet Spot Swing Swingweight Tension Chop the steering wheel Schedule Timing Topspin Tournament Against Weight Limit to Abandonment Women's Doubles

4. 1.history-games similar to badminton have existed throughout history, from ancient greece to medieval Japan and colonial India, where a form of the game called poona was played

5. .badminton equipment- in batminton you use a racket and a shuttlecocks. Racket:badminton rackets are light with top quality rackets weighting between 79 and 91g including the strings. Shuttlecocks:a shuttlecock: (often abbreviated as the shuttle and also commonly known as bird or bird) is a projectile with an open conical shape.

6. field