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MY VISION создатель Mind Map: MY VISION

1. Relationships

1.1. Play

1.2. Affection

1.3. Connection

1.4. Cooperation

1.5. Loyalty

1.5.1. Faithful

1.5.2. Trusting

1.5.3. Honest

1.5.4. Respect

1.6. Security

1.7. Sensitivity

1.8. Support

1.9. Trust

1.10. Understanding

1.11. Sincerity

1.12. Humer

1.13. Listener

1.14. Thoughtful

1.15. Clean & Together

1.16. Positive Attitude

1.17. Optomistic

2. Environment

2.1. Nature: Summer & Spring

2.1.1. Birds

2.1.2. Sunshine

2.1.3. Open Space/ Meadow

2.1.4. Flowers

2.1.5. Gardens

2.1.6. Winding Rock Pathways

2.1.7. Warm

2.1.8. Water

2.1.9. Animals

2.1.10. Trees

2.1.11. Grass

2.1.12. Mountains

2.2. Nature: Fall and Winter

2.2.1. Icicles iin Sunshine

2.2.2. Snowy White Landscape

2.2.3. Crystals of Ice

2.2.4. Fireplace

2.2.5. Shoveled Walkways

2.2.6. Warm Barn

2.2.7. Color Changing Leafs

3. Home

3.1. Landscape

3.1.1. Home Is Apreciated

3.1.2. Upkeep and Sprucing Done

3.1.3. Warm & Welcoming Exterior

3.1.4. Inviting / Comfortable Look

3.1.5. Size: Not too small not too big

3.1.6. Perfect for growth and family

3.1.7. Colorfull

3.1.8. Rich in history, old and yet new

3.1.9. Unique

3.1.10. Spacious Property

3.1.11. Good Neighbors

3.2. Entryway

3.2.1. My Favorite Sounds

3.2.2. My Favorite Scents

3.2.3. My Favorite Colors

3.2.4. My Favorite Furnishings

3.3. Kitchen

3.3.1. Spacious Kitchen

3.3.2. Room For Two To Cook Together

3.3.3. Functioning New Appliances

3.3.4. Clean and Organized

3.3.5. Pantry Stocked

3.3.6. Fresh Fruit and Vegetables (organic)

3.3.7. Family Cooks Together

3.4. Bedroom

3.4.1. Sanctuary

3.4.2. Sacred Space

3.4.3. Rest & Relaxation

3.4.4. Privacy

3.4.5. Intimacy

3.4.6. Sexuality

3.4.7. Romace

3.4.8. Journaling

3.4.9. Reflecting

3.4.10. Dreaming

3.4.11. Meditation

3.4.12. Good Sleep

3.4.13. Comfortable

3.4.14. Organized

3.4.15. "Ours"

3.5. Closet

3.5.1. Perfect Mix of Casual & Fancy Cloths

3.5.2. Colorfull

3.5.3. Unique

3.5.4. Fitting/Slender

3.5.5. Great Shoes

3.5.6. Horse Riding Gear

3.5.7. Beautiful Jewelry

3.5.8. A Complete Confident, Comfortable Look

3.6. Desk / Offiece

3.6.1. Balanced Checkbooks

3.6.2. Prosperous Financial Statements

3.6.3. Finances Neat And Organied

3.6.4. Balanced Budget

3.6.5. Income: Steady Flow

3.6.6. Gratitude & Tithing

3.7. Hallway

3.7.1. Framed Photos Treasured Friends Smiling Proud Certificates Earned Thank You Letters From Clients Exotic Locations Where I Have Trained and Worked Passions Pursued Happy Family Memories Beloved Animals Original Artwork

3.8. Garage

3.9. Life Movie