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Preventing Job Burnout создатель Mind Map: Preventing Job Burnout

1. Make exercise a priority

1.1. Powerful antidote to stress & burnout

1.1.1. Yoga

1.1.2. Fitness

1.1.3. Hiking

2. Minimize worrying

2.1. Mindfulness

2.2. Breathing techniques

2.3. Short breaks from work

3. Avoid isolation

3.1. Spend time with family & friends

4. Reframe the way you look at work

4.1. Make friends at work

4.2. Take time off

5. Reevaluate priorities

5.1. Share responsibility

5.2. Create tasklist

5.3. Set boundaries

5.3.1. Say "no"

6. Take care of yourself

6.1. Healthy diet

6.2. Sleep

6.3. Hobby