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Explanatory research создатель Mind Map: Explanatory research

1. Characteristics

1.1. It increases understanding on a specific topic.

1.2. Use secondary data collection as a source of information, such as literature

1.3. Refine subsequent research questions to increase study conclusions.

1.4. Researchers can distinguish the causes by which phenomena arise during the research process, and anticipate changes.

1.5. Explanatory research allows them to replicate the studies to give them more depth and obtain new points of view on the phenomenon.

2. Importance

2.1. Is carried out with the aim of helping researchers study the problem in greater depth and understand the phenomenon efficiently.

3. Their intention is to provide details where a small amount of information exists.

4. Your goal is to find out why and why of an object of study.

5. Types of research

5.1. The most popular explanatory research methods are as follows

5.1.1. Literature research

5.1.2. Depth interview

5.1.3. Focus groups

5.1.4. Study of cases

6. Carlos Andres Medina Raba - UNAD