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Homer создатель Mind Map: Homer

1. As a person

1.1. There are Only guesses about him

1.2. born- 850 BC some people thing 7th century now

1.3. Some believe that no man ever existed

2. The Homeric Question

2.1. Was there 1 author or were there many?

2.2. 1 answer- homer took multiple story and out them together

2.3. 2 groups of answers

2.3.1. Unitarians-who belive a single author composed one or both works

2.3.2. Sapartists-live the iliad and odyssey are the product of multiple authors

3. Blind

3.1. Homer was most famously know as a blind bard

3.2. homros was a dialectical lonic word for a blind man

3.2.1. Maybe homer is not just one but a majority of people

3.3. Many other bards were blind

4. Vases

4.1. a large amount of artwork represented homers epics

5. Homeric style

5.1. focus

5.1.1. theme

5.1.2. action

5.2. hexameter verse

5.3. Homer in a nutshell

5.3.1. Rapidity or ease of movement, plainness of expression, and plainness

5.4. powerful style

5.5. Main intrest

5.5.1. human feeling

5.5.2. emotion

6. Works

6.1. The Odyssey

6.1.1. about trip of Odysseus after the trojan war

6.1.2. There is a short story at beginning about Telemachus and people think that Homer combined the 2 story's

6.2. The Illiad

6.2.1. about Trojan war and achillies

6.2.2. Schliman wanted to find troy for its riches!

7. Samuel Butler

7.1. Wrote translations of "The Odyssey" and "The Iliad"

7.2. Formed review of the author of "The Odyssey

7.2.1. Called "The authorist"

8. Bibliography