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Habits создатель Mind Map: Habits

1. Introduction: My Story

1.1. Science

2. THE FUNDAMENTALS: Why Tiny Changes Make a Big Difference

2.1. 1: The Surprising Power of Atomic Habits

2.1.1. It is so easy to overestimate the importance of one defining moment and underestimate the value of making small improvements on a daily basis. Too often

2.2. 2: How Your Habits Shape Your Identity (and Vice Versa)

2.3. 3: How to Build Better Habits in 4 Simple Steps

2.4. 1: The Surprising Power of Atomic Habits

2.4.1. Sir David John Brailsford rubbed alcohol on the tires for a better grip electrically heated overshorts redesigned the bike seats Tour de France. In 110 years, no British cyclist had ever won the event biofeedback sensors tested various fabrics in a wind tunnel outdoor riders switch to indoor racing suits tested different types of massage gels hired a surgeon to teach each rider the best way to wash their hands to reduce the chances of catching a cold determined the type of pillow and mattress that led to the best night’s sleep for each rider Brailsford had been hired to put British Cycling

2.4.2. Just five years after Brailsford took over

2.4.3. 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing

2.4.4. result

2.4.5. Four years later

2.4.6. set nine Olympic records and seven world records

2.4.7. giving the British team five Tour de France victories in six years

2.4.8. from 2007 to 2017

2.4.9. 1% BETTER EVERY DAY 1% worse every day for one year. 0.99365 = 00.03 1% better every day for one year. 1.01365 = 37.78

2.4.10. Result most successful run in cycling history 178 world championships and sixty-six Olympic or Paralympic gold medals and captured five Tour de France victories

2.5. 3: How to Build Better Habits in 4 Simple Steps

2.5.1. The Four Laws of Behavior Change are a simple set of rules we can use to build better habits. They are (1) make it obvious, (2) make it attractive, (3) make it easy, and (4) make it satisfying

3. THE 1ST LAW: Make It Obvious

3.1. 4: The Man Who Didn’t Look Right