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Theories & Creativity создатель Mind Map: Theories & Creativity

1. Bruner

1.1. Theory suggests that active involvement and instruction are an essential part of education and has 3 phases

1.2. Enactive: children learn through movement or action

1.3. Iconic: Children learn through images

1.4. Symbolic: Children learn through abstract symbols

2. Piaget

2.1. Theory suggests that children undergo 4 stages of cognitive development

2.2. Sensorimotor (Ages 0-2) Infants learn the world through touching & feeling

2.3. Preoperational (Ages 2-7) Children can use words & pictures to represent objects

2.4. Concrete Operational (Ages 7-11) Children think logicallly about concrete events

2.5. Formal Operational (Age 12 & Up) Children begin thinking like adults

3. Games

3.1. A type of play that has rules for behavior for students of various age and ability

3.2. Improve students' physical coordination

3.3. Enhances language & social skills through understanding competition and cooperation

4. Creativity

4.1. Promotes cognitive & mental growth in students

4.2. Elicits problem-solving and expression

4.3. Used when students use their imagination during play

5. Play

5.1. Teaches students to connect experiences with the real world

5.2. Assist students with learning language, literacy and social skills

5.3. Different kinds of play support various kinds of learning, ie, child-directed, guided

5.4. Motivation is intrinsic and voluntary & can be fun