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"Global Meishi" создатель Mind Map: "Global Meishi"

1. 1

1.1. Name, Nickname

1.1.1. e.g. "Hi! I am Lady Gaga, but you can call me 'mommy monster'".

2. 2

2.1. Field; Industry

2.1.1. "Entertainment"

3. 3

3.1. Organization

3.1.1. "Haus of Gaga"

4. 4

4.1. Main Skill

4.1.1. Making big hit songs wearing risque outfits

5. 5

5.1. Career Highlight/Success Story

5.1.1. "Born this Way"

6. 6

6.1. Invitation to (Re)Connect

6.1.1. "If you want to know more about me - Google Gaga!"