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Jun Lee создатель Mind Map: Jun Lee

1. Present

1.1. Interests

1.1.1. Video games In the present video games is still something I still do and do about the same things I have said I have done in the past but now I play online with my friends I have at school which I haven't done before.

1.1.2. Music I have gotten into Music recently I have started learning the Guitar but since covid I had to stop my lessons. But I have been Guitar since the start of January.

1.1.3. Academics I am trying to focus more on school since that I am in Highschool I felt that before in elementary I would fool around since I felt that it didn't feel important but now since that I am almost have to start doing exams I want to focus more on school.

1.2. Relationships

1.2.1. Friendships I value my friends a lot and I have made some new friends since Highschool started but I tend to stick around those who I have been with before in elementary school. Nick has been very close friend of mine since elementary school but he had to go to a different Highschool but we still chat online a lot. He has a very kind personality which makes me want to be more like him.

1.2.2. My Parents I think that every since Highschool started to support me more. I think that they have been pretty helpful with helping me through Highschool.

1.3. Personality Traits

1.3.1. Happy I am still very happy because I think I just have a positive outlook on life and I don't really think I have negative thoughts often.

1.3.2. Shy I think I am still shy but I am not as shy as before. I can carry on conversations but I have trouble to speaking with people sometimes.

1.3.3. Honest I think I am pretty honest with people and try my best to be truthful to other people.

1.4. Values

1.4.1. Honesty I think that in order for me to be friends with someone I think that Honestly is important.

1.4.2. Friends I think that I wouldn't be who I am right now if wasn't for my friends I feel like they have sort of shaped me who I am today.

1.4.3. My family I think that my family is important to me since they have always been supportive of me for my whole life.

2. Future

2.1. Interests

2.1.1. Video game coding I think that video game coding is something that would be fun to do since I wouldn't mind start doing coding again and I since I play video games as a hobby I think that it would be fun.

2.1.2. Moving to Korea I think that I would like to live in Korea for about a year or two since I like it a lot when I traveled there.

2.1.3. Have a pet cat My Parents currently don't want to have pets in the house but I want a cat.

2.2. Goals

2.2.1. Finish School I think that this is a primary goal of mine because I feel like it's important to have lot's of knowledge in order to succeed in life.

2.2.2. Get a Job I want a Job in order to have experience for future Jobs I would get. I think that more work experience would mean that I would be more likely to get hired at other jobs also.

2.2.3. Better Grades I think that I want to start getting better grades for my final years of school since I my grade at the moment are not what I want it to be.

2.3. Education

2.3.1. New languages I want to learn new languages and re learn Korean. The new languages I want to learn are probably Chinese and Japanese.

2.3.2. Learn more about Coding I want to learn more about Coding since I have stopped doing stuff related to it for a bit and I think that I would have fun doing it again and I could also have it as my job in the future.

2.3.3. Music I probably will try to continue playing Guitar in the future and I think that I would be interested in learning other instruments like the piano.

2.4. career aspirations

2.4.1. Own a business I think that owning a business would something I would like to do but not something I would do long term.

2.4.2. Have a stable job I want a stable Job so I can just live comfortably without have any worries about anything.

2.4.3. Have a good balance I think that I would like to have a good balance in for work and life so I think that's something that I would want.

3. Past

3.1. Interests

3.1.1. Video Games Video games has been something I basically had my entire life since I was introduced to video games at an early age by my Dad. I would enjoy the conversations I would have with my Dad since we could talk about Video games a lot. Video games is also how I met of the friends I have today since we would enjoy the same video games so we could relate to each other.

3.1.2. Biking Biking was common thing I would do in the past with my friends. The summer would be the time where we would go biking so much that we would be going outside about everyday.

3.1.3. Coding There was a coding club at my Elementary school that I was apart of and which sparked my interest for coding. I found coding interesting because the challenge it gave since if you make a an error it was often hard to find. I think that also making something really cool with coding was very satisfying.

3.2. Origins

3.2.1. Korean Both my Parents are Korean so I am able to speak Korean at a basic level but I am unable to read or write in Korean. But I enjoy many Korean such as the food. Since I have lived in Canada for my whole life I speak English and I act more Canadian then I do Korean since they have different cultures.

3.2.2. Family I live with four other people in my household that being both my parents and two younger sisters. I have relatives that live in Canada and South Korea. My Mom is from South Korea so her English isn't that great since when she worked here she worked with other Korean people at her work. My Dad is also from South Korea but speaks English pretty well since he studied in Canada and works at a place where English is used a lot.

3.3. Personality traits

3.3.1. Happy I think that I was generally feel happy and usually never is a negative mood I think that had to do a lot with my Parents since they would always made me feel good about myself if I ever did something challenging.

3.3.2. Shy I think that I have been always shy since I would have hard time talking to new people. I would though have an easy time if someone would talk to me first.

3.3.3. cooperative I think I was cooperative in the past being able to listen to others during projects and being able to come up with a plan that would help our group succeed. I think this also comes from playing games online where cooperating was key to winning.

3.4. Experiences

3.4.1. Getting my first computer I think that getting my first computer was because I saved up a lot of money in order to get one and I was able to build it with my Dad which I think made that experience memorable.

3.4.2. South Korea I really enjoyed this experience because it was the first time meeting my Grandpa and Grandma from my Dads side since my moms side lived in Canada. I think what made it memorable is that they would take me to a lot of places in Korea such as historical places which I think made it a good experience for me since I learned a lot while I was there.

3.4.3. Tutoring When I was in 5th grade I used to tutor kids that were in grades 1/2 so I would help them with math since that I was something that I was good at.