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Sacrament; создатель Mind Map: Sacrament;

1. Sacrament as symbol and ritual

1.1. Sacrament IS Christian ritual and symbol

1.2. Sacrament: A visible sign of invisible grace

1.3. Symbols have a multitude of meanings, make present God's gift

1.3.1. Symbolic Nature of God's communication to humanity

2. Sacramental theology in the Second Vatican Council;

2.1. Documents: - Dei Verbum: Revelation Itself - Sacrosanctum Concilium: Renew norms of Liturgical Celebrations

2.2. Putting tradition into a new context

2.3. Recontextualisation of the Church

2.4. The Church itself is a Sacrament

3. The sacramental principle;

3.1. Something is 'Sacramental' when you feel in in awe of something. E.g A beautiful gesture or place.

3.2. God being present in Christians everyday lives

3.3. Everything around us reflects God's presence in some way

3.4. Mediation takes place through creation and human experiecnce

4. Paschal Mystery

4.1. Christians participate in the Paschal Mystery through Sacrament

4.2. Important in 'Sacrosanctum Concilium

4.3. Integral in understanding the liturgical renewal

4.4. God creates everything good

4.5. Jesus life, ministry and death allows humans to come back into relationship with God (Grace)

4.6. Passion, death, and Resurrection of Jesus Christ

4.6.1. Symbolic Mediation- Needing to interpret what the truths are.

5. Sacrament, Prayer and Liturgy

5.1. Prayer: Individual conversation with God

5.2. Liturgy: Changed after the Second Vatican Council, worship and community

6. Christ as the Sacrament of God;

6.1. Jesus is the Sacrament of God- Primordial Sacrament

6.2. God's love made present in a tangible way

6.3. In Jesus' love, we see who God is

6.4. Jesus is a sign AND symbol of the presence of God

7. The Church as the Sacrament of Chris

7.1. Church is a symbol of Jesus

7.2. Body of Christ: enacting the work of Christ

7.3. Church is a visible presence of invisible Jesus

7.4. Church is another symbol making God present on Earth/

7.5. The Second Vatican Council placed importance of Church and Gods continuing presence on Earth, as is why the Church being more participatory

7.6. The 7 Sacraments allow Christians to become living Sacraments