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LEARNER PROFILE Design Studio 2 создатель Mind Map: LEARNER PROFILE      Design Studio 2

1. Why are they studying this degree?

1.1. Like that it mixes creativity and academics

1.2. Wide range of opportunities within architecture compared with other design-based degrees

1.3. General interest in architecture

1.4. Potential to help people in the future

2. Why did they choose to study at Otago Polytechnic?

2.1. Otago Polytech is close to home

2.2. Like the practical nature of polytech compared to university

2.3. University is too intimidating

2.4. Disliked lack of creativity in university

2.5. Small class sizes

2.6. Suits learning style

3. How will they apply their knowledge after completing the degree?

3.1. Continue to study - complete a (MArch) Masters in Architecture

3.2. Register as an Architect

3.3. Work in an architectural practice

3.4. Work in the sound engineering/acoustics field

4. Life and work experiences

4.1. NCEA level 3

4.2. BDes (fashion)

4.3. Job in print design / manufacturing

4.4. University (science, health science, unspecified

5. What do they already know about this topic?

5.1. Knowledge from semester 1 (learners have completed two projects for this course, which follow a similar design approach and introduce design language)

5.2. Learners with experience in fashion studies will have an understanding of design language and processes

5.3. Construction knowledge

5.4. Some learners have a knowledge of basic architectural / design principles from high school subjects (e.g. graphics, painting)

6. Learner capabilities

6.1. Communicates effectively in writing

6.2. Communicates effectively verbally

6.3. Communicates effectively visually

6.4. Displays effective interpersonal behaviour

6.5. Displays cultural competence

6.6. Displays bi-cultural proficiency in a NZ context

6.7. Works independently

6.8. Works in teams

6.9. Reflects on performance and applies personal learning

6.10. Acts responsibly

6.11. Practices health and safety

6.12. Demonstrates digital competence

6.13. Organises effectively

6.14. Demonstrates resilience

6.15. Thinks creatively

6.16. Displays leadership

6.17. Inspires others

6.18. Enterprising

6.19. Practices sustainably

6.20. Practices ethically

6.21. Thinks critically

6.22. Solves problems

6.23. Communicates bilingually

6.24. Displays work life balance

7. What do they enjoy mot about this course?

7.1. Freedom to explore, think, solve problems

7.2. The creative challenge of the design process

7.3. Hands-on nature of design, physically making things

7.4. Being able to develop an idea into a building

7.5. Not having to rote-learn material

7.6. Material exploration

7.7. Being able to throw ideas around without needing a perfect answer

7.8. Having a real life site to work from

8. What do they enjoy least about this course?

8.1. Deadlines

8.2. Struggle to think conceptually

8.3. Presenting to large groups

8.4. Working with white card

8.5. Making models

8.6. Workbook process

9. Educational level

9.1. NCEA Level 2

9.2. NCEA Level 3

9.3. NZ Certificate in Cookery (Level 3)

9.4. NZ Certificate in Digital Media and Design (Level 4)

9.5. Certificate in Fashion Studies (Level 4)

9.6. Bachelor of Design (Fashion)

10. Personal characteristics

10.1. Gender

10.1.1. Male 43%

10.1.2. Female 57%

10.2. Age

10.2.1. 18-20 61%

10.2.2. 20-25 30%

10.2.3. 25-30 4.5%

10.2.4. 45-50 4.5%

10.3. Ethnicity

10.3.1. NZ European/Pakeha

10.3.2. Other European

10.3.3. NZ Maori Ngāti Whātua o Ōrākei Ngāti Kahu Ngāti Tama Te Atiawa

10.3.4. Dutch

10.3.5. South-East Asian

10.3.6. Chinese

10.3.7. Indian

10.3.8. Other

10.3.9. Not Stated

11. Potential barriers to learning

11.1. Debt/ financial issues

11.2. Family commitments

11.3. Literacy challenges

11.3.1. strategy - employ a variety of active learning strategies

11.3.2. strategy - encourage learners to talk openly about their preferred learning styles / processes

11.4. Lack of motivation

11.5. Numeracy barriers

11.5.1. strategy - allow more time for learners to work strategy - through ideas / process information

11.6. Juggling work commitments with expectations of the course

11.7. Fear of using the workshop

11.7.1. strategy - organised induction for all learners at workshop in week 1

11.7.2. strategy - encourage use of workshop for group model-making process

11.8. Sports commitments

11.9. Mental health/wellbeing

11.9.1. stress

11.9.2. anxiety

11.9.3. fatigue

11.9.4. medication

11.10. Technology issues (during Covid)

12. How will they be studying this topic?

12.1. Face to face lectures

12.2. Group discussions

12.3. Group tasks

12.3.1. working in groups to make site models

12.3.2. participation in interim review presentations and discussion

12.4. Individual design processes

12.4.1. site analysis

12.4.2. massing models

12.4.3. design iterations

12.4.4. space planning

12.4.5. refining & developing concepts

12.4.6. presentation drawings and models

12.5. Individual discussions with lecturer throughout the design process

12.6. Use of workshop to make physical models - both as a group an individually

12.7. Formative assessments

12.7.1. project is broken into four sections with an interim review at the end of the first three sections

12.8. Peer review / feedback

12.9. Formal reviews of finished projects (oral and visual)

12.10. Self reflection

13. How do they prefer to receive information?

13.1. Combination of verbally and visually (8)

13.2. Visually (7)

13.3. Verbally (1)

14. How do they prefer to communicate digitally?

14.1. Email (11)

14.2. Teams (8)

14.3. Moodle (5)

14.4. Facebook (2)

15. Barriers to communication

15.1. Social anxiety

15.2. Fear of talking in front of people

15.3. Technology issues (Covid)

15.4. Not comfortable communicating ideas through drawing / models etc

15.5. Find it hard to think conceptually and communicate those conceptual ideas

15.6. Comparing themselves with other learners

16. What learning strategies help them stay on track / motivated?

16.1. Regular feedback (10)

16.2. Discussing design strategies/methods (10)

16.3. Collaborative group tasks (7)

16.4. Time to work as an individual, with one-on-one discussions/feedback (7)

16.5. Discussing abstract ideas (7)

16.6. Sharing real world projects (7)