Copy of Our Connections Project

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Copy of Our Connections Project создатель Mind Map: Copy of Our Connections Project

1. Words

1.1. Accomplishment

1.1.1. Getting things done without regrets

1.2. Commitment

1.3. Pushing yourself

1.3.1. Facing fears

1.3.2. Motivational

1.4. Strengths and weaknesses

1.5. Lazyness

1.6. Faliure

1.6.1. Learning from mistakes

1.7. Communicative

1.7.1. Vocal

1.7.2. Written

1.8. Musical

1.8.1. Learning a new instrument

1.9. Mental

1.9.1. Puzzles

1.9.2. Challenging yourself

1.9.3. Thinking about thinking

1.10. Navigation

1.10.1. Exploration

1.11. Learning

2. Ideas

2.1. Learning a new language

2.2. Fundraiser

2.3. Conquer your fears

2.4. Learn an instrument