Validity and Reliability

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Validity and Reliability создатель Mind Map: Validity and Reliability

1. Content Validity

1.1. “Does the test measure the instructional objectives? (Kubiszyn 330)

1.2. We need to make sure that we are testing on what we are teaching.

2. Criterion-related

2.1. "criterion-related validity evidence yields a numeric value, which is simply a correlation coefficient." (Kubiszyn 330)

3. Predictive Validity

3.1. "The SAT-II, for instance, is frequently used to help decide who should be admitted to college" (Kubiszyn 331)

4. Construct Validity

4.1. "A test has construct validity evidence if its relationship to other information corresponds well with some theory" (Kubiszyn 332)

5. Test, Retest, Stability

5.1. "This estimate eliminates the problems of memory and practice involved in test –retest estimates" (Kubiszyn 343)

6. Alternate Form Estimates

7. Internal Consistency Measurements

7.1. "One approach to determining a test’s internal consistency, called split halves , involves splitting the test into two equivalent halves and determining the correlation between them" (Kubiszyn 343)